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EvoS Book Club, May

Evolution Science & Behavior (EvoS) Book Club. Get a taste of what EvoS Book Club is about by watching this video (whole video but relevance especially demonstrated >1:00 into the talk).

We usually meet on the second or (more often) third Wednesday evening of each month.

After completing Darwin’s Cathedral by David Sloan Wilson (public library or purchase here) in February, we will have continued the narrative arc of cultural evolution, specifically focusing on studying and discussing religion through an evolutionary lens. Our study takes an ambitious turn toward historian Tom Holland’s acclaimed (1, 2, 3) account of Christianity (and pre-history of Western civilization, per Holland), Dominion (public library or purchase here or here). Watch an interview with Holland here to get a sample of his perspective.

Agenda for the May meeting: section 2 in its entirety

Please RSVP if you are new to the group.

Time: Now meeting (in person only) at 6:30 pm

Location: Teresa’s house. Watch for a separate email or text with reminder about address.

May 6

1st Mondays ACT Study Group, May

May 17

ACT Peer Consultation Group, May